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Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь - captive


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  1. пленник, пленный 2. пленный, взятый в плен to hold captive —- держать в плену 3. содержащийся в неволе или в заключении; лишенный свободы; порабощенный captive bird —- птица в клетке captive nations —- порабощенные народы 4. плененный, очарованный; захваченный (обаянием и т. п.) to be taken captive —- попасть в плен, стать пленником; быть плененным (красотой и т. п.) 5. ком. несамостоятельный, не имеющий выхода на рынок; внутрифирменный ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  balloon noun привязной аэростат CAPTIVE  1. adj. взятый в плен - take captive - hold captive  2. noun пленник; пленный ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1) связанный; присоединённый 2) находящийся в неволе ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  n. & adj. --n. a person or animal that has been taken prisoner or confined. --adj. 1 a taken prisoner. b kept in confinement or under restraint. 2 a unable to escape. b in a position of having to comply (captive audience; captive market). 3 of or like a prisoner (captive state). Phrases and idioms captive balloon a balloon held by a rope from the ground. Etymology: ME f. L captivus f. capere capt- take ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   adjective  Etymology: Middle English, from Latin captivus, from captus, past participle of capere  Date: 14th century  1.  a. taken and held as or as if a prisoner of war  b.  (1) kept within bounds ; confined  (2) of or relating to ~ animals ~ breeding  2. held under control of another but having the appearance of independence; especially owned or controlled by another concern and operated for its needs rather than for an open market a ~ mine  3. being such involuntarily because of a situation that makes free choice or departure difficult the airline passengers were a ~ audience  • ~ noun ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (captives) 1. A captive person or animal is being kept imprisoned or enclosed. (LITERARY) Her heart had begun to pound inside her chest like a captive animal. ADJ • A captive is someone who is captive. He described the difficulties of surviving for four months as a captive. = prisoner N-COUNT 2. A captive audience is a group of people who are not free to leave a certain place and so have to watch or listen. A captive market is a group of people who cannot choose whether or where to buy things. We all performed action songs, sketches and dances before a captive audience of parents and patrons... Airlines consider business travellers a captive market. ADJ: ADJ n 3. If you take someone captive or hold someone captive, you take or keep them as a prisoner. Richard was finally released on February 4, one year and six weeks after he’d been taken captive... PHRASE: V inflects ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 adj 1 only before noun unable to move about freely because of being kept in prison or in a small space  (Captive soldiers passed by in chains. | captive animals) 2 take/hold sb captive to keep someone as a prisoner  (The American officers were held captive for three months.) 3 captive audience people who listen or watch someone or something because they have to, not because they are interested ~2 n someone who is kept as a prisoner, especially in a war ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


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